The drag racing king.

The mirror like surface of his black Trans Am caught the afternoon sun and gleamed back at the camera. This was day two of Matt's photo session. We were nearing the end of our extensive and carefully mapped out plan of attack. You would imagine his smile to be literally falling off his face at this point in the session but not this guy. Perhaps it was the roar of his engine and June wind whistling around us as we cruised across town that brought such a huge smile to his face. As exhausted as we were nearing his photo-finishline, we felt like champions. Classic rock spilled out of the stereo and I sat back in the deep leather seat allowing a satisfied grin to own my face.

Would the surprises never end? Two perfect afternoons ... in a row, a gorgeous family farm with endless (and unique) areas to photograph, a pristine antique gun inherited from his grandfather and a vintage John Deer tractor with more character then I could ever ask for.

Is it possible to have such diversity in personality and interests all wrapped up in one person? If we're talking about Matt, I would have to say, ABSOLUTELY.

P.S. Since bragging is the last thing on this guy's busy agenda, let me. It won't surprise you to find out this black beast and its handsome owner have won five drag racing competitions and I have no doubt will continue to make his Dad crazy proud (Mom too).

Catch the next story on my blog... "9 years old, with a business, a brand, and a bike". You won't wanna miss these images from earlier in Matt's session. Catch you then!
