A very disheveled version of myself flew in the front door, a hurricane of camera gear and packed bags. I was running behind, despite my detailed agenda which attempted to outline my life down to the minute. Flustered by my tardiness and the ancient Buick who had forced me to drive the under the speed limit most of the winding twenty minute dive, I felt like a hot mess. The partitioning entry wall afforded me two seconds to discretely smooth back the stray hairs sweeping into my eyes. I took a deep breath and turned the corner to meet my little nephew.
For a moment I just sat motionless on the sofa. Eric's parents had gently placed him in my arms. I couldn't stop staring. Everything about him was so tiny and so beautiful. I have never felt very confident in my maternal intuition so typically snapping pictures is the best fit. Today was different. My thoughts must have been audible in those moments because Eric's mom laughed and echoed mine, "I don't know how I every get anything done, I just want to stare at him all day." Somehow I snapped back to reality and realized I had less then thirty minutes to capture Eric's sweetness and still make it to my train on time.